Are we there yet? on New Flesh

Hey all. Its been a little while since I updated this site, largely because I have been stuck inside of my novel and didn’t really have anything more interesting to say than – “did another 1000 words today”.
I do, however, have a few nasty little flash fiction stories that have not been published. The first of these – Are we there yet? is published today on The New Flesh Magazine.
I originally wrote this for a competition on 10Flash, but just didn’t finish it in time. Its a simple story about a man, his daughters and the open road…oh yeah, and some smoke demons that are chasing them.
I was going for a feel of barely contained panic and building terror with this one. Let me know if you think I managed it.

Anyway, the link to the story is HERE

Hope you like it.

~ by graemereynolds on September 2, 2010.

3 Responses to “Are we there yet? on New Flesh”

  1. Hey, I remember this one. Good to see that you’ve published it. I’m proud of you for sticking with the Novel.

  2. Also remember this. Really good story.

  3. Thanks Guys. How are things getting on with your respective masterpieces?

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