The Bram Stoker Awards, Review and Interview

Phew. There’s been quite a bit going on this week, and I’m only just finding the time to write about it.

Firstly, the big news. High Moor has made the preliminary ballot of the Bram Stoker Awards. I should be clear that this does not make me or the book “Stoker Nominated”, but its exciting news and means that the three (possibly four) remaining slots on the final ballot for Superior Achievement in a First Novel are going to be allocated between the five books that made it through the rec stage. The competition is stiff. I’ve read a couple of other books on the list, and they are excellent. I can only hope that High Moor does well. Even if I go out at this point though, its amazing that I’ve got this far, and I’m incredibly grateful to the HWA members who liked the book enough to make a recommendation.

You can read the full list for the preliminary ballot by following the link. 2011 Bram Stoker Award Preliminary List

I’ve also had another review go live, at PissedoffGeek. Its extremely gratifying to get good independent reviews of the book. Even now, I still have trouble believing that its out there, and that people are liking it. You can read the review by following the link. PissedoffGeek’s Review of High Moor

And last, but by no means least, I also have an interview live on the ShewolfManc’s blog. Hannah, who runs the site is a lecturer in medieval folklore and is an expert on werewolves in history and popular culture. The girl knows her stuff (and even puts me in my place when I get a factoid wrong). She’s going to be reviewing High Moor soon, and that scares me, even if she is as nice a person as you could hope to chat with online. The lady has probably read every werewolf book written in the last five hundred years or so. Its also fantastic, as her opinion is going to mean a hell of a lot. In the meantime, you can read her interviewing me by clicking on the link: Shewolf Manc interviews Graeme Reynolds”

Oh…one more thing. I can officially confirm that there will be a sequel to High Moor, and my intention is to get it released later this year. The working title is “High Moor 2: Moonstruck”, although this may very well change prior to release

Right, off to make dinner and carry on with my next chapter. I’ve just thought of a horrendous way to kill a character off and am itching to get it written.

Catch you later.

~ by graemereynolds on January 24, 2012.

5 Responses to “The Bram Stoker Awards, Review and Interview”

  1. A sequel? Squeeeeee! — A Squeeequel.

  2. I just finished High Moor, and I really liked it. The description of the carnage was well composed, and I found myself wincing at some lines, almost feeling what it would be like to have a werewolf bite my spine in two.

    It gave me a similar feeling to The Forsaken Boy. Not the story (which is much more sad and mournful, as opposed to the suspense/action horror of HM), but the action scenes.

    The only part I was a bit confused by was the difference between the quadreped and biped werewolves, and how that difference came about. Perhaps this will be explained in the sequel?

    Anyway, love the book, can’t wait for the story to continue!

    • Hi Mick,

      Glad you dropped by.

      The difference between the quadruped and biped wolves was down to their state of mind. The normal transformation is the full wolf, but when someone is moonstruck its because they are fighting the transformation and end up in a halfway state 🙂

      The sequel is coming along well, and there’s a High Moor short story called “One of those things” on the site if you want another High Moor fix. I’m intending to release a few more of those prior to the book coming out.


  3. I just finished HM 2 min ago and I must say that Marie’s ending sentiment of “oh fuck” was immediately followed by an identicle sentiment from me. I immediately scanned the Internet machine for news of a sequel and am soooo excited to hear that you’re working on it. I read HM in 2 days and feasted on each scene. Well done man. Well done.

    • Thanks Jessica. It means a lot that you took the time to drop by and tell me that you liked High Moor. The sequel is coming along – I’m about a third of the way through the first draft and its shaping up to be better than the first. I’ll be releasing the occasional in continuity short story on this site in the lead up to HM2, and I’m hoping to have the book out by the end of the year.

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